Tuesday, December 20, 2011

So Thoughtful

I would characterize my job as service oriented. It's not social services, but some days I feel as if I am a social worker. I work with a lot of low income people and many of my clients are low income. Some days, some don't even have a place to go to for shelter and some often have to figure out where food is going to come from.

Imagine my surprise when a former client of mine showed up today at my office unannounced. It had been about a year since I last saw her because I closed out her case with my office. She's a really nice person, but once I've closed out a case, I rarely have any kind of personal contact with the client. Well, she surprised me and brought me a huge box of chocolates. Her gift almost made me weepy and I know don't why she would give me this gift because she had already thanked me for helping her. I couldn't believe that she went out of her way to buy this for me on her fixed income and she trekked out to my office (with her young son in tow) on such a cold day. She's such a sweet person and we briefly caught up on what was going on in our lives. She's so thoughtful and I don't know how I can show my gratitude to her for her generosity.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

When you do good things to others, good things will come back to you (karma). Looks like you are well like from your clients for them to remember what you have done for them. Grace