Monday, October 31, 2011

Happy Halloween

This year I know that I won't have any trick-or-treaters coming to my door. I live too far out in the boonies for little ghosts and goblins to come a haunting just for some chocolate goodies. At the same time, it's just too dark and scary to come out to my neck of the woods for some treats.

I guess this year, I'll just have to be content with staying in and eating all of the candy and chocolate goodies I've got on hand. I'm also trying to recuperate too. I think the half-marathon only further weakened my body and immune system. Furthermore, I ate at a dirty restaurant yesterday. This has left me feeling very sick and needing lots of rest.

So to all of you who are able-bodied and ready to gather some sweet treats or play some wicked tricks, I wish you a safe and happy Halloween!


Anonymous said...

I thought you love this time of the year? Did you dress up for Holloween?

My Favorite Things said...

I didn't dress up because I was sick. If it counts, I dressed up as Wonder Woman for my Monster Dash.