Sunday, May 22, 2011

Rain is Better Than Snow, Right?

It has been a very rainy weekend and I've only been able to put in a little amount of time into my gardening. Yesterday I went to numerous garden centers to purchase plants and mulch. There were so many plants that I wish I was able to buy, but I don't have enough space that has a lot of sunlight.

Today, I purchased more mulch and several tools to do yardwork. Can you believe that I am a proud owner of a chainsaw and a weed-wacker? Well, I am. Despite the rain, I was able to weed a patch of my garden (in the rain) and spread a bit of mulch over that area. I have a tree that needs to be planted, but more on that later. I've since gotten out of the rain so hopefully that tree will last one more day in the box. It's also supposed to rain tomorrow too, so I'll see if I can go ahead and plant that tree in the rain tomorrow after work. I hope to write a post on my new tree.

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