Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Seed Saving

Like many frugal gardeners in the blogsphere, I collect seeds from spent flowers to further expand my flower garden for less, especially if I do not have the flowers in my garden. Of course, for the flowers in my garden, I could let nature do its work and have the flowers reseed itself, but sometimes mother nature can be quite harsh during the winter time and the seeds may not survive the winter.
This spring I didn't get much chance to enjoy my annual pink poppies. Unfortunately, I've been quite busy with work and my home, and only got a passing glance at my pink poppies. Yet, last week I noticed that all of the poppy stalks had dried out. At that moment I made a mental note that I had to collect the seeds. So today, I took an empty envelope and shook all of the pods into the envelope, carefully collecting as many of the seeds as possible. After I emptied all of the poppy seed heads, I sealed the envelope and labeled it with the month and year. I'm already dreaming of next year's pink poppies.

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