Sunday, July 25, 2010

I Spy With My Little Eye . . .

Several nights ago my beau was giving me flak for the lack of watermelons in my garden. His criticism was aimed at the fact that it's already the middle of July and there are no watermelons in my garden; therefore, I only have half of a summer left and no time left for fruit to develop and ripen. I unwillingly conceded with him, agreeing that I have lots of watermelon plants, but no fruit, and will probably not have any watermelon this summer.

Well, guess what I discovered today while weeding my garden. Underneath all the weeds (seriously, it has been about a month or two since I last weeded) I saw two small round fruits and a baby fruit beginning to sprout. Can you find these three fruits in the picture.? With these finds, especially the two round fruits, my faith has been renewed, and I believe that I will harvest at least two watermelons this summer from my garden.

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