Sunday, April 11, 2010

Really, I Can Garden?

I still can't believe that spring has come so early to the Twin Cities. I've been hesitating in preparing my garden beds, afraid that a frost will come in and kill what I've planted. However, today was a beautiful day and it made me feel a bit silly for waiting. It has been semi-warm the last several weeks and I've come to the conclusion that if there's a frost, then there's a frost and that I'll take my chances. It also gave me a reason to wear and test out my dusty blue garden boots.

So, this afternoon I decided that I was going to start my garden. With the help of my brother we weeded and cleared out the little plot I had in my backyard. We made little rows and I planted the following fruits and vegetables: watermelon (one whole row was dedicated to just growing watermelons), jalapeno, red hot cherry pepper, cilantro, onions, two types of lettuce, radish, and cabbage. We'll see if anything comes up.

What's so cool is that some onions (you can see it to the left and right of the metal pole) and parsley are flourishing in the little plot. These were plants that were left over from last summer and I'm very glad that the plants survived.

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