Monday, May 4, 2009

Cherry Blossoms

As my previous blog posting indicates, so far my State is in need of rain. The other odd bit about this year is that our spring is starting a bit later than I remember (I think it’s a mental thing because every year I always think the spring starts later than the last). My blog posting from last year, however, indicates that my cherry blossoms may have started blossoming around May 15th, which is about two weeks later than this year. I mention this because my cherry blossoms have just started blooming over the weekend. I find it exciting to see the white petals floating in the air and a confirmation that spring is really, truly, finally here in the Midwest.

I know I wrote about my cherry blossoms last year and posted a picture, but I'm very enamored of these blossoms. So please bear with me with another post and two more pictures. Once more, I'm crossing my fingers for more than one cherry this year. It might still be a bit too early due to the age of my tree, but I don't think that it hurts to hope.

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