Thursday, April 30, 2009

Achla Compost Bin

Since becoming a passionate gardener, I've learned a lot about composting. [If you want to learn more about the basics of composting or even what composting is, then check out this really cool website:]. Last year I even tried to create my own composter with diasterly results (my mate will testify to the stench my "compost pile" created).

I blame my failed attempt at composting on my lack of having a proper composting bin. Now a bin doesn't have to be super fancy nor cost a lot of money to make. I, however, had certain specifics, such as the need to keep rodents out of the compost bin and a bin that I could easily rotate the composting material. So after my failed attempt, I fianally broke down and purchased a rolling compost bin made by Achla. I figure that it's a good investment considering how much money spend on aged manure and other soil amendments. By composting all of my kitchen scraps and yard waste, I not only save money but also minimize my contribution to the landfills. Yay, composting!

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