Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Spring: Temptuous Teaser

Apparently there is no such word as "temptuous" in the English dictionary, but I could care less. At this point right now, I think that word (even if it doesn't exist in the English dictionary) best describes my feelings about Spring.

The last few days have been mild and the sun has even paid a couple of visits from behind the clouds. The weather has been in the mid-30s, and despite the announcement that the groundhog saw its shadow earlier this month, I dearly want to believe that Spring is on its way (no additional six weeks of winter). Much of the snow has melted and I even walked outside without a hat. So you can imagine my dismay when forecasters are claiming that there will be some snow tonight and tomorrow. Why, why, why? Oh, spring, you temptuous teaser. Why won't you come and let us bathe in your glory.

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