Friday, February 27, 2009

Only Seven Inches

Okay, so it didn't start snowing as predicted (see my last blog). But when it did snow, IT SNOWED! So I measured the snow I got this morning and it appears that I got about seven (7) inches. Although to be fair, my yard may already have several centimeters of snow and some snow may have blown into my yard. So, to be fair, I think I got about six inches of snow within a twenty-four hour period (really good snow for sledding). Now I just can't wait for all of this snow to be gone and for sping to begin.

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Eight Inches of Snow???!!!???

Weather forecasters predict that by tomorrow night, eight (8) inches of snow will have fallen in my neck of the woods. Are they serious? If this is so, I'll post up a picture tomorrow of the eight (8) inches of snow. I hoped that Spring would be on its way, but I guess not.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Spring: Temptuous Teaser

Apparently there is no such word as "temptuous" in the English dictionary, but I could care less. At this point right now, I think that word (even if it doesn't exist in the English dictionary) best describes my feelings about Spring.

The last few days have been mild and the sun has even paid a couple of visits from behind the clouds. The weather has been in the mid-30s, and despite the announcement that the groundhog saw its shadow earlier this month, I dearly want to believe that Spring is on its way (no additional six weeks of winter). Much of the snow has melted and I even walked outside without a hat. So you can imagine my dismay when forecasters are claiming that there will be some snow tonight and tomorrow. Why, why, why? Oh, spring, you temptuous teaser. Why won't you come and let us bathe in your glory.

Monday, February 16, 2009

Pizza, Pizza

I've been sick for some and I'm close to being my ole self again (or at least well enough to think clearly and blog). I never thought that the flu would've made me so weak or that the recovery took a lot longer than anticipated. Anyhow, I'm back and I wanted to share things I've made but didn't get the chance to blog about.

Sometime ago, and I mean several seasons ago, I tried a pizza dough recipe. See, I, like every other cook out there had a fear of using yeast. It didn't help that prior to this pizza dough recipe, I tried a different pizza dough recipe, which resulted in a disappointing semi-edible crust (I think it had a lot to do with allowing the dough to have a second rise). Anyhow, this fear of yeast and my first bad pizza dough almost stopped me from further experimentation and the quest to find a suitable recipe for homemade pizza dough.

Then one day I came across a blog (unfortunately I don't remember which blog) and saw the blogger's pizza dough recipe. I don't know what made me want to try her recipe, but I decided to put aside my fear of yeast and give her recipe a try. I must say, I do not regret giving this recipe a try because it's the best pizza dough I've had. It's soft, chewy, and tastes out of this world.

I'd recommend that you read the recipe thoroughly before you try making the pizza dough. The dough takes a while to rise (which is well worth the wait) but baking the pizza only takes several minutes. Have fun baking.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Yard Junk on Display

[Taken February 8, 2009, St. Paul, MN]