Saturday, July 26, 2008

Wordless Wednesdays???

I first started this blog to with two purposes: (1) sharing my thoughts and the daily events in my life with family and friends, and (2) as an exercise in writing (I know that I'm not writing a novel, but the blog does force me to write). Anyhow, as I was surfing the internet, I came across another blog that features "Wordless Wednesdays," in which the blogger just posts a picture every Wednesday. Taking a cue from this blogger, I think I might just incorporate Wordless Wednesdays into my blog. I know that it doesn't help further my writing, but it is another way for me to share more images and it may prove to be useful when I don't have the time to post a written entry. Of course, I don't intend to turn this blog into a photoblog, but it would be fun to share more pictures. So I think I'll start implementing Wordless Wednesdays next week.

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