Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Underneath the Paint

If you haven't realized it by now, I'm totally a "do it yourself" type of person. Sometimes I take on projects in order to save on costs (e.g. taking out my rotting deck and replacing it with a brick patio), and at other times I take on projects because I'm curious and just want to learn (e.g. crocheting a blanket). Regardless of my original intent to start a project, the process and end product is pretty satisfying.

So last week, I was shopping at the thrift store and purchased the following two items: a wooden toy chest and a wooden chest of drawers. Both were in good condition but in dire need of a paint job. Upon purchasing these two items, I went on the internet to learn about stripping off the old paint and repainting the items. This sounds lame, but I've been wanting to learn how to strip paint from wooden furniture.

Well, I fist worked on the toy chest, which was an easier task because it was so small. I wish I had taken a "before" picture (seriously, I really wish I have a "before" picture of it), but I ended up repainting the toy chest white with pink trimmings. I hope to use it to hold my afghans and small blankets. Currently, I'm in the process of stripping the chest of drawers and I think I'll reuse the pink and white paint. Once I'm done, I'll post up the "after" pictures.


Aplysia Oceanography said...

Put up pictures of the treasure chest.
i wanna know how it looks...

Aplysia Oceanography said...

I think It would have looked better the other way also!
pink with white trimmings!