Sunday, January 27, 2008

For the Love of Paper

Here's another "interesting" tidbit about me, I LOVE paper, especially cards and stationary. My collection keeps on growing and when I think that I should stop adding to my collection, I'll come across something that will catch my eye (the picture above does not do justice to my collection). Very, very rarely will I ever pay more than three dollars for a set of cards or stationary. Much of what makes up my collection comes from the thrift store or the clearance aisle.

I have more paper product than I can actually use in my lifetime, but I love paper. I love the feel of the different papers' weights, the designs on the paper, and the colors. I'm still a big advocate of hand written letters (although I admit that I am guilty of sending out more emails than "snail mail"), and I'm trying to send out more letters through the post office. How could you not love receiving a hand written letter?

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