Friday, December 14, 2007

Bus Schedules Don't Mean a Thing in a Winter Storm

The New England states are just being burdened with several huge snow storms (and parts of the Midwest have been without power, due to a huge snow storm). Yet, Minnesota has already experienced several storms (though not as harsh as the two previous regions) and the storms have caused havoc on many bus riders (i.e. me). I am serious when I say that bus schedules don't mean a thing in a winter storm. For example, one evening after work, I waited for thirty minutes in the cold for my bus (I was lucky since others were already there for at least an hour and a half, and were still waiting). When I finally saw my bus, it just passed me by-it was already full and the driver refused to allow any more passengers on. I thought it was best to call someone to come and just get me. An hour later, due to REALLY bad traffic, I finally got home (my home is only a fifteen minute drive from my work).

Anyhow, Minnesota hasn't experienced any more snow storms, but it has been very, very COLD. I believe it is currently zero degrees in my part of the State. I heard on the radio today that the cold keeps out the "rift raft" from Minnesota. Whether this is true or not, I am wishing that I am a "rift raft."

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