Monday, November 12, 2007

Cake Snob

I admit that I am a cake snob. In labeling myself as a snob, I don’t mean that the cake must come from a “brand name” bakery or be made of the most expensive ingredients available. I only mean that I have a particular idea of what a cake must taste like.

I am like most Americans and expect my cake to be slightly moist (Europeans expect their cakes to be a bit dry), but not cake-mix moist (most boxed cake mixes contain pudding that makes the cake super moist). I also like the cake to be made from scratch. This, I believe makes all the difference because boxed cake mixes, unlike those made from scratch, contain too many preservatives and “stuff” that affect the flavor of the cake. Not surprising, my snobbery have lead me to bake and find the perfect recipe for whatever cake I may be in the mood for. I think I’ve found the perfect recipe for chocolate cake and I’ve been working on a carrot cake recipe. [Personally, I think the carrot cake has been maligned and there’s some awful standard recipe that gets passed among most bakeries—who therein bake and sell something that is supposed to be carrot cake to its customers.]

Anyhow, I won’t further bemoan about the inferiority of boxed cake mixes. I am a cake snob, but that doesn’t mean that I won’t eat cake made from a box (although my preference is for a cake made from scratch).

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