Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Winter is Coming

It has finally gotten cold in my part of the world (especially since it’s already November). Every year I tell myself that I can withstand the cold, and it’s especially easy to forgive the cold during the spring and summer seasons (really, the cold just doesn’t seem that bad). However, my misgiving about the cold disappears when the frigid air actually envelopes me and enters into my lungs. I then curse to myself (unfortunately too loudly) and wonder why I’m still in Minnesota.

Since this is the first year that I’m trying to establish my cottage garden, I actually care as to how the weather will affect my plants. In previous years, I’ve only grown a vegetable garden and didn’t really care about the state of my garden (once the tomatoes and herbs have been picked, I’d just wait until spring to clear my garden and replant). Now, I’m worrying whether my plants will survive the winter and all things related to my plants’ survival (e.g. has the ground frozen, do I have enough leaves to provide a cover for my plants, should I bring my containerized plants into the garage now, do I even have enough room in my junky garage for my container plants, etc). At some point, I eventually have to rein in my worries, and have faith that I know enough to get by and that Mother Nature (in her own way) will take care of my garden.

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