Friday, August 10, 2007

Seed Collecting

For the last week or so I've been hung up on collecting seeds, particularly tomato seeds (FYI-in posts to come, I will unfortunately focus too much on tomatoes and its seeds). I think my fascination started when I bought this pack of "tomato medley'' (it's just a fancy way of saying there were a more than one variety of tomatoes included in the pack). Anyhow, I ate as many tomatoes as possible while saving the seeds. Originally, I scooped out the seeds and left it on paper towels, but I was worried that I wasn't properly drying out the seeds (I loved the Exotic Tomato and wanted to ensure that its seeds will germinate in the spring). Through Google searches I found that there was a more proper way of cleaning and drying the seeds. Once cleaned, tomato seeds can be stored for a very long time. Anyhow, to make the long story short, I've decided to start collecting as many different tomato seeds as possible. I'm now focusing on trying to obtain as many different heirloom tomato seeds as possible. [Hint, hint . . . heirloom tomato seeds are relatively inexpensive and make great gifts.]

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