Saturday, April 9, 2016

Thoughts About Waiting

When I wrote this blog post, I was actually thinking about my son.  At that time, he was in utero and I was probably going through a hormonal phase during my pregnancy (seriously, it's hard to pinpoint a time during my pregnancy when I was not hormonal).  

As an older first time mom, I pondered about my decision to wait so long to have my first child.  I can say, so far, that as an older mom, I'm definitely more patient and definitely appreciate the parenting experience.  I also can say that I really wanted this child in my life.  If I had my child at a younger age, I still would've loved him just as much, but I really don't think I would've appreciated him or the experience as much.

The other aspect that I really pondered about is the life experience my son would have, with me making him wait to come into this world.  I admit, I remember being really emotional because I believe that he's waited a long time.  On the one hand, by making him wait, both of his parents would be a lot older by the time he was born, but at the same time, I really wanted him to have a father that would want him just as much as I wanted him.  To be quite honest, I couldn't imagine having children with anybody else than my Mr. Man.  I know that that there have been suitors  and people I thought that could've been potential fathers, but in the end, I knew that Mr. Man would've wanted him just as much as I wanted him.

So, I hope my son will forgive me for making him wait.  I also hope that my son would feel the love that his father and I have for him, and know that he came into the world with both of us equally wanting him in our lives.

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