Thursday, November 5, 2015

Monster Dash 2016

The front of my pony hat.
This past weekend, like previous years, my co-workers and I participated in the Monster Dash (which occurred on Halloween).  This year, our costume plans went awry and we scrambled at the very last minute to come up with something that resembled a theme.
The back of my pony hat.
We had already planned to only walk the 5k, which meant that we should've spent more time on our costumes.  Originally were trying to construct dinosaur costumes out of cardboard (a Jurassic World theme), but our busy schedules got in the way.  So, at the very last minute, we changed our plans and decided to be My Little Ponies.  It was an easy costume to create with a hat (I actually crocheted our pony hats), color coordinated clothes, and curly tails.
My co-worker on the left, dressed as a purple pony.
On the day of the race, I was a blue pony and my co-worker was a purple pony.  There was a constant drizzle, it was cool (but not super cold), and the sky was overcast the entire time, but we had a lot of fun.  We're both looking forward to next year's Monster Dash and, hopefully, better costumes.

How was your Halloween?  Did you get dressed up at all?

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