Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Oregon Coast

This past weekend, for the long Labor's Day weekend, I decided to visit a beloved friend living in Oregon.  I made my "demands" and came up with a list of things I wanted to do.  I basically said that I wanted to chase waterfalls and see the ocean, in particular, the sun setting on the ocean.
South Falls in Silver Falls State Park
My friend obliged and didn't disappoint, taking me up and down the Oregon coast.  Of all the days I was in Oregon, Saturday was the only day that was rainy and dreary, but it was perfect weather to photograph waterfalls.  The rest of the days were sunny, balmy, and beautiful.  I know that Oregon's weather isn't often sunny, but I like to think that the Universe was helping, in its own way, to accommodate me and my list of demands.

I first went to the southern part of Oregon's coast, then I went to the northern part.  In between, I ended up at a forest and spent most of that day photographing waterfalls.  (I'll write a post about photographing waterfalls at a later time.)  I even found time to go to the Oregon State Fair, which disappointed me a bit because it wasn't as interesting as Minnesota's or California's.  Eventually, I ended the trip on a sweet note by going to Voodoo Doughnuts before heading home.

The trip was calming, relaxing, and perfectly paced.  I love my friend and am so glad to have many of my "demands" met.  I can't wait until the next trip back (obviously to see more waterfalls and maybe go to Crater Lake).
Sun setting on Cannon Beach.  To the far left is Haystack Rock.


Anonymous said...

Nice to have wonderful friends to take you where ever you want to go. Your absolutely correct Oregon State Fair is not as good as the Midwest MN and Cali! You could have stop by for coffee?

My Favorite Things said...

Anonymous, I don't believe you've ever invited me to have coffee. Why should I keep knocking on a door that you've chosen to close. I'll only knock if I knew ahead of time that I was invited. Maybe, if there's a next time, I might stop by for coffee. Of course, I'm assuming you're inviting.

Anonymous said...

Your assumption is correct.