Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Tuesday's Tune: I Get Lonely Too

For a moment, I was really in love (musically) with Drake and came across this song.  I've heard people criticize him as being really "emo" and "touchy-feeling."  I think he's just a sensitive guy and isn't afraid to show his emotions, which are reflected in his songs.

I really like this song, especially the lyrics.  It reminds me of the times when I've been lonely and was just waiting on someone to get his act together.  It wasn't as if he had people knocking down on his door because I knew he was just as lonely as me.  Rather than having two people be alone, why not just get together (even for a short period of time) and not be lonely?  Generally, it's nice to have company.  Maybe I'm too logical and am forgetting all the reasons why we were both lonely in the first place.  Oh well . . . .

What do you think of this song?


Anonymous said...

Don't be lonely! Doors close for a reason and a new door will open for you.

My Favorite Things said...

Anonymous, I'm not lonely. You misunderstand what I've written (like many times in the past). This song only reminds me of all the times in the PAST that I was lonely and another person was lonely too.

It's okay. I know that this is your way of telling me to keep my head up because you don't know what's going on in my life. I know life has been good to you and I only wish you the best. Yes, doors do close for a reason (sometimes we have a say and sometimes we don't). Sometimes, some doors are meant to be closed forever and sometimes, some doors are meant to be reopened because you are finally ready for that door to be open. Much love to you (she needed you more than I needed you).