Thursday, November 28, 2013

Thanksgiving and Dre Beats

I hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving.  So far, I've had an awesome evening.  Tonight, I got myself a pair of Dre Beats.  I've been salivating for a pair for the looooooongest time.  So, weeks ago when I saw that Wal-Mart had some as a doorbuster item (usually retailing at $199) for it's Thanksgiving Day sale, I didn't think I was going to be able to get a pair.

Then this evening, I found myself at Wal-Mart, waiting for two hours inside the store for a pair.  Thank goodness I didn't have to wait outside the store, and I literally had to beg a customer to give me this pair.

How am I feeling about the headphones?  I'm ecstatic!  I've been wanting a pair for so long, and definitely not the super expensive ones that require batteries.  I'm happy with what I got.  These are really portable and it even has its own pouch.  I must add, the box that it came in is so well built.

Well, I hope you all have a wonderful Thanksgiving.  To my wonderful friends that invited me to have a meal with them, thank you.  To all who sent wonderful wishes my way, thank you so much.  To my family, I love you all, yes, even the difficult ones.  Thank you.

Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Did You Have One of These?

[Yes, this phone still works.]

Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Three Lessons

On Monday I was asked to make a quick speech about three lessons I would teach children and why.  Now, this blog posting is a better reiteration of my quick speech, but it's still within the gist of what I said.  I wanted to write about it because I've been trying to follow through on what I'm saying and I hope that by writing about it, I will apply it to my life.  So, here it goes . . . .

The following are the three lessons I would teach children:

One, believe in yourself.  If you don't believe in yourself, how are you going to get others to believe in you?  You should be the biggest supporter of yourself.

Two, believe in your dreams.  Sometimes your dreams may not match up with what your parents and society expect out of you.  But that doesn't mean you give up on your dreams.  You can still reach your dreams, if not literally, then metaphorically.

Three, continue to keep learning and educate yourself, may it be through formal education or something that you pick up from someone from the street.  Knowledge will always set you free, so don't stop learning.

So, those are the three lessons I would teach children.  What three lessons would you teach children and why?

Sunday, November 24, 2013

The Book Thief by Markus Zusak

Picture credit:

Earlier in the year, my boss loaned me her son's copy of Markus Zusak's, The Book Thief .  The book is hailed as "brilliant," "extraordinary," and a "bestseller."  I usually don't let such mainstream accolades dictate what I should or shouldn't read.  I read a book (and will stop reading a book midway) because I choose to.  I finally finished the book this morning and I know why the book can be "life changing."

The story is told from Death's point of view, especially as it centers around Liesel Meminger's life during Nazi Germany from the late 1930s and early 1940s.  I will not give much away, other than that Liesel Meminger is one of the main characters (other than Death), she learns to read and write, she is a German girl living in Germany when Hitler has come to power, and she must endure many tragedies.

The book is well written.  It didn't come across like that at first, but it is well written.  To say that this book is gloomy, may be an understatement.  It's also a soul searing book, one that will spur you to ask why humans are the way they are.  The book's intended audience is young adults, which is a bit surprising due to the gruesome topics (e.g. death, war, Nazi Germany).  But then, tragic events occur and have occurred, and shouldn't be hidden nor sugar coated and spoon-fed to young adults.

I started reading the book earlier in the year, when Minnesota was still dark, dreary, and cold.  It also didn't help that my own soul was enveloped in its own sadness and darkness.   As I got into a quarter of the book, I had to set it aside.  I found the topics and emotions too hard on my already beaten down soul.  So, it sat around my house for the last several months.  Then about a week ago, I decided that I was ready to read this book again.  I think my soul was up to the challenge of finishing it.  I'm very glad that I did.  It's a great book, despite the gloominess.

There were so many points in the book that resonated with me.  I will briefly share one with you.  In the book, Liesel finally kisses her best friend, Rudy.  It's a bittersweet kiss, and reminds me of the bittersweet kisses I've had.  Unlike Liesel, I kissed my loves when it mattered the most, and if it was my last kiss, I made it count.

Anyhow, it's my understanding that a movie, based upon the book, was just released.  I haven't seen it, and I don't intend to see it any time soon.  The book really is wonderful and I don't want Hollywood's version of it ruining my memories of the book.  I'd encourage you to read The Book Thief if you have the time.  If you've already read it, let me know what you think.

Saturday, November 16, 2013

Epic . . . (wait for it) . . . Split

Jean Claude Van Damme is a part of my childhood repertoire of action heroes.  He, along with Jackie Chan, Jet Li, Chuck Norris, Arnold Schwarzenegger, and even Sylvester Stallone, hold a special place in my movie memories.  I've always loved his ability to do the splits, and now with this new commercial for Volvo, I'm reminded again of why I loved him so much as an action hero in my youth.

If you've been living under a rock and don't know what I'm talking about, check out the commercial above.  Volvo attributes much of the success of this commercial to its control suspension, but REALLY, it's Jean Claude Van Damme and his epic split that pulls off this commercial.  It's the most epic split of all splits.

Do you agree that this is the epic split of all splits?

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

No. 2 Pencil

[Memphis, TN; taken June 7, 2013.]

Monday, November 11, 2013

Happy Veteran's Day

The plaque reads, "This Flag is dedicated to the Veterans of Iran and Afghanistan, June 14, 2011, American Legion Post 54."

Happy Veterans Day.

I hope you get a chance to thank a veteran or remember a veteran that served our country.  At the very least, please send out love and prayers to those who have served and/or are still serving.  Regardless of your position about war and the military, many of the freedoms and liberties we have today arise from the sacrifices of those who have served.

If you want to learn more about the history of Veteran's Day, check out this website:

Sunday, November 10, 2013

Expansion: This Girl is on Fire

Picture credit:

I came across this photo of the sculpture, Expansion, created by artist Paige Bradley.  It's so beautiful and inspiring.  The original sculpture pictured above may have already been sold, but replicas can be found elsewhere.  I may have to put on my bucket list, as a place to visit, this sculpture or its replica (where ever it is located and open to the public).  It's such a fantastical piece of art.  I love the story as to how the sculpture came to be, and I love the message of not being contained and just letting go.

The sculpture so befittingly represents my current situation.  I'm finding myself on a personal journey.  One that's transformative in many ways, timely, but also hard.  When I emerge on the other side, I will be on fire.

Find out more about the creation of the sculpture at this webpage:

For Paige Bradley's website:

If you're looking for musical accompaniment, check out this website:

If you really need more information about the song:

What do you think about the sculpture?  Do you also think it's fantastical too?

Saturday, November 9, 2013


Do you remember being sixteen years old, 
with an open heart, 
windows down in a beat up car, 
you were dumb and 
the world was young?

This is a reference to the lyrics from Ben Rector's song, "Beautiful."   It's such a wonderful song and perfect to chill to on a Saturday (or even a Sunday) afternoon.  I write to suggest that you slow down today and take care of yourself.

Today, I'm opening up my heart and allowing myself be beautiful, inside and out.  I hope you do too. Have a great day. 

Please check out "Beautiful" at this website:

Friday, November 8, 2013

Friday's Quote: Carl Sagan

"Somewhere, something incredible is waiting to be known."---Carl Sagan

I've been slowly creating a bucket list of things I want to do and places I want to see.  It's not a very long list, but it is a list.  It doesn't involve far away places.  Yet, it is something I want to do.  I've been inspired by other bloggers and travel articles, and I really want to go and see these places.  Of course, there is the requirement of time and money, but I'm not going to let that stop me.  I know that there are incredible things to be known and to be discovered by me.  If and when I end up going to any of these places, I'll let you know through this blog.

Is there somewhere, something incredible you hope to go and see soon?

Thursday, November 7, 2013

I Surrender

Baby, I am where I am.   I surrender.  This is life and it's my life.  I surrender.

I now own my feelings.  I now own my truth.  This truth, I've known for a long time, but have been fighting.  I'm sorry for the struggle.  I'm sorry for making it so hard.  I didn't mean to.  I just thought a different path was better.  Things are just clearer now.  I know what I must do.  It's time to surrender.

There is nothing cowardly in surrendering.  Rather, it's just an acknowledgement of the truth and another way of letting go.  So, I surrender.

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Why do I Live Here Again?

[Yes, it's a beautiful morning, but I hate the roads!]

Saturday, November 2, 2013

Rockin' New Tunes

Lately, it hasn't been my intention to blog about the music I've been listening to. There just happens to be so much good music coming out and so much good existing music that takes me back to a different time and place.  Since one of the purpose of my blog is to write about my favorite things, I might as well share some of the music I'm chilling out to.

I love the beat in this song, especially the chorus:

This song really reminds me of the simpler times when I was younger when one's identity was all wrapped up in the car that one drove.  It makes me think of the times I spent with my former beau who always wanted a race car with blue headlights and he thought he was a "G."  What a dork!  Still, this song makes me want to jump into a cool-ass car and throw up a finger in the air.

Now, I don't understand the context of this song, but I'm loving the beat:

I actually love some of the lyrics from this song because it resonates with me.  My favorite line is, "I'm kinda older now than when I rebelled without a care."  Once more, I don't totally understand what the entire song means, but I'm happy to put this song on repeat and just dance away.

Now, this last song, I love the old school beat and feel it has:

This song makes me want to grab onto someone and do the shuffle.  Yeah, the two of us slowly shuffling away.

I hope you enjoy these songs.  Let me know what you think about the songs.  What songs are you chilling to at the moment?

Friday, November 1, 2013

Friday's Quote: Edward G. Bulwer-Lytton

"Talent does what it can; genius does what it must."---Edward G. Bulwer-Lytton

Regardless if you aspire to share your inner talent or your genius with someone else other than yourself, you still must start somewhere.  So, because today is the first day of November, I want to encourage everyone who wants to write to participate in NaNoWriMo, known as National Novel Writing Month.

I wrote about NaNoWriMo back on November 8, 2007. One can participate in it for free.  The purpose of NaNoWriMo is to get people to write a 50,000 word novel in one month, regardless of how bad the prose is.  Just get the thoughts and ideas down own paper.  It will be frustrating and may be an uphill battle.  At the same time it is inspiring because you know that thousands of others are participating and are in the same boat as you.  I would suggest that even if you don't choose to write a novel, use this opportunity to write every single day, may it be on your blog, in a journal, or even mini-short stories. 

As for myself, I will work on editing my novel.  I was thinking of starting a third novel, but I'm taking the advice of a friend and will just focus on what I have right now and finish it.  This month will be a hard month, but I know that it will be well worth it.  I hope that you will join me and many many others this month and write.

Sign up and/or check out NaNoWriMo at:

For more background information about NaNoWriMo, go to this webpage: