Thursday, November 7, 2013

I Surrender

Baby, I am where I am.   I surrender.  This is life and it's my life.  I surrender.

I now own my feelings.  I now own my truth.  This truth, I've known for a long time, but have been fighting.  I'm sorry for the struggle.  I'm sorry for making it so hard.  I didn't mean to.  I just thought a different path was better.  Things are just clearer now.  I know what I must do.  It's time to surrender.

There is nothing cowardly in surrendering.  Rather, it's just an acknowledgement of the truth and another way of letting go.  So, I surrender.


Aplysia Oceanography said...

what is this about?? call me.

My Favorite Things said...

The posting is just a public acknowledgement of a private matter of the heart. The message doesn't concern a person or anything in particular, but it had to be validated, had to be said, and had to be concrete; thus, I had to put it in writing.