Thursday, February 2, 2012


In one of today's local newspaper, a columnist briefly wrote about an Afghan woman, who has been identified by the press as Storai, and stating how lucky we really are here in the United States.  What was very compelling about Storai was that the woman was killed by her husband and mother-in-law after she gave birth to the couple's third female child after already having given birth to two other female children.

What I took away from this column and the story in general is an acknowledgment of the privileges I have (and have had) as a woman because live in the United States.  I know that this country is still rife with inequalities and injustices.  At the same time, the preference for male children over female children is not limited to countries outside of the United States and is also found in this country.  Yet, I do acknowledge that I am lucky to have been able to live in the United States and to have certain privileges regardless of my gender (e.g. getting an education, being able to choose my occupation, being able to voice my opinion, etc.).  These "little" things are not so little in many other countries and can be deemed as a transgression against the country's government.

Storai's story is very unfortunate.  At the same time, her story raises some awareness of the plight many women continue to face.  Her story also reminds me that I should appreciate and not take for granted so many of the privileges I have that many don't have because they do not live in the United States.

Are you also lucky and in what way?

You can read the columnist's column at this website:
You can read more about Storai at this website:

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Regardless of gender, I feel America has given everyone a better change of living their dreams. I know some people don’t take that opportunities, but I did because of that I have a better chance of living my dreams.