Monday, February 6, 2012

I Finally Did It

For the longest time, I've always wanted to try rock climbing, specifically indoor rock climbing (I'm a bit too scared to try outdoor rock climbing).  So, on Saturday afternoon I headed out with two co-workers to a place called Vertical Endeavors and finally rock climbed.  Other than paying for an entrance fee, I rented a harness and shoes.
We were there for approximately two hours where we rock climbed, using an automatic belay (where one is harnessed to a rope that helps one easily climb), and we also bouldered (where one scales and climbs the walls by one's self).  The whole experience was fun but I admit that at a certain points in some of my climbs and bouldering, I became afraid of heights (fyi, if that ever happens to you, I would tell you to take a big breath, don't look down, and just proceed).  Truthfully, I don't think we climbed for more than an hour and a half, but it was such a workout.  By the time I got home in the late afternoon, my body was so exhausted.  I showered and climbed into bed.  Before I knew it, I was asleep.  The next day, the back of my arms and my forearms were so sore.  Despite the three of us being very sore, we said we would try to do this a couple more times this year.  
I hope that you try indoor rock climbing because it's definitely quite an experience.  One word of caution, one doesn't have to be super fit to rock climb, but it definitely helps to be a little fit.  Have you rock climbed before?  Would you consider indoor rock climbing or how was your experience?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

How Fun! I’ve never climbed a cliff or wall that high, nevertheless I’m a little afraid of heights just like you, without reservation one day in the near future I would try it. Thanks for the informational piece of writing and sharing your experience with me.