Saturday, November 5, 2011

Midtown Writers Meetup Group

Last last month I decided that I should put into action what I've been wanting to do, to write more creatively. Yes, I barely write and post on this blog, but I really wanted to force myself to write more creative pieces (and the whole purpose of this blog is to improve my writing and to share with friends and family). So last month I participated in the Midtown Writers Meetup Group ("MWMG").

The MWMG meets on a weekly basis for a couple of hours. There are no requirements to going, other than bringing a pen, paper and writing. More information of the group can be found at the following website:

I had a lot of fun at my first MWMG. It appears that many of the participants were easy going and really open minded. There was enough interaction among the participants but at the same time, there wasn't any pressure for the participants to have to share and be "friends." I just loved going there with the intent of being able to write and be creative. It was different because some of the writing topics were subjects I would've never thought of writing, at the same time I really enjoyed the challenge of coming up with a story (even a very short one) right on the spot. I don't know why it has taken me forever to come across this writers group. At the very least, I will make it a goal to try attending as many meetings as possible, although I am conscious that the forthcoming wintry roads may be an obstacle to meeting that goal. Lets see what this winter brings.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Didn't know groups like that existed there, maybe these kinda of group exist everywhere. Good luck with your writing, your writing has improve our the last couple of years since you had started your blog. Bob