Friday, September 5, 2008

Purple Vegetables

I was at the Farmer's Market yesterday and saw several purple vegetables. Yes, purple vegetables. Maybe you've already seen purple peas, purple potatoes, and purple bell peppers, but this was the first for me. I was so intrigued by the potatoes and bell peppers that I purchased some (I was a bit skeptical of the purple peas due to their leathery shells).

When I got home, I did a little preliminary research about purple potatoes and found contradictory reasons for their existence. One stated that it was bred and created by a university to have the same antioxidants and vitamins found in blueberries (as indicated by the purple color). Another source stated that these potatoes are naturally purple and can be dated back to the Incas, when it was served only to Inca kings. Regardless of how these potatoes came to be, they are really yummy (although I'll admit I'd prefer to believe that these potatoes are of Inca origins than a university origins).

I have yet to try the purple bell peppers, but I'll let you know.

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