Thursday, September 4, 2008

Marjorie McNeely Conservatory

Labor day weekend came and went. The weather was beautiful and those who were able to experience the weather was wonderfully lucky. As an outing during the weekend, I visited the Marjorie McNeely Conservatory with friends.

I love this conservatory. I know there are probably other conservatories that are bigger, "better," and more varied, but I have so much of a emotional attachment to this conservatory. When we were much younger, my parents would take my siblings and I to the conservatory to look at the various plants and take pictures. Of course it looked (and felt) much bigger when we were little. As an adult, I still find the conservatory impressive and I've learned to appreciate the various plants and the effort that comes in maintaining in a conservatory. Depending on the area I'm in, I love to just sit and pretend I'm in a jungle or a cottage garden.

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