Thursday, April 27, 2023

Green Onions

 I've written about the Egyptian walking onions in my garden. And this post covers them, but today I'm talking about green onions in general. It's taken me a long time to appreciate the green onions in my garden! When I've left any type of onion bulb in my garden, and it survives the winter, it will grow in the early spring. Green onions (and most onions), I've learned and finally am showing my love for, are one of the first things to bloom in the spring. Not only are they an indicator that spring is right around the corner (despite the one-inch snow that was just dumped in my neck of the woods), but they also are one of the first things (edible or not) to bloom.

So, I've been trying to take advantage of the green onions growing in abundance in my yard. Not only am I eating them but giving them away to family members. Next month, I'll try and grow small bulbs so that I will have green onions to eat in the summer (and fall), and my spring onions will start growing bulbs to be planted in for a fall crop and the following spring. I find that once my green onions have started sprouting, I don't buy any from the store unless necessary. I've become that dedicated to my green onions.

I've gotten into the practice of succession planting the onions in my garden. Of course, it's not perfect, but I've found a rhythm to my planting and it's something that I'd like to continue so that I'll have access to homegrown onions for three of the four seasons. 

Are you growing green onions or any type of onions in your garden? What's happening in your neck of the woods?

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