Monday, September 26, 2022

Hello Fall!

Last week the air definitely became cooler. It was as if the warmth was being chased away by a cool kiss. It's been a weird summer. Granted, this summer, I hadn't done what I was supposed to do. As much as it pains me to say this, I honestly am glad for the change in weather.

I started the summer off with great intentions of gardening but was gone most of June (family trip to California). When I came back, my garden was full of weeds. I then tried to weed and failed miserably. Then the rabbits came and ate all of my bean seedlings. So, I don't have any beans this year (boo-hoo!!!). I didn't tie up my tomato plants, even though I'd put sticks into the ground early in the season. At the very least, I have some tomatoes, random squash/pumpkin plants, a little bit of peppers, and of lemon grass.

I can't believe September is coming to an end soon and I know that I need to work on other things. My own work is keeping me busy and I know that I need to hurry up and get my stuff out. I've been wasting a lot of time doing nothing, but at the same time I've also been trying to stay present with my boys (e.g. spending quality time with them, making them do homework, etc.,). Soon, the year will come to an end and I know that I need to finish up a lot of personal work before the new year, so I've got to start sticking to my plans. I know the winter will force me to stick to my plans. So, yes, I am looking forward to winter.

How are you doing? How is the weather in your neighborhood? How did your garden grow this year?


Anonymous said...

These days things are passing by so quickly, HBD to another year!

My Favorite Things said...

Anonymous, how did you know? ;P