Monday, December 27, 2021

Blue Christmas

 I came across this article about Blue Christmas, and I couldn't help but agree with the article. I have a friend who's lost a loved one around Christmas and I know the season's hard for her. I used to sympathize with her, but this season I was able to also empathize with her. This year, my mother-in-law passed away in October, but her funeral and burial didn't occur until early December, which has definitely put a damper on the holiday festivities. I'm not complaining. I really am not. I'm only acknowledging that I am more aware of loss and it's hard to feel happy during a season that's supposed to be so happy.

My Mr. Man and I did do as best as we could to create a decent Christmas for our children. We got them a live tree and decorated it, I got them lots of holiday candies, and I even made holiday cookies. They each got wrapped gifts from family. I did all of this because I felt that I had to create some semblance of normalcy for them. They understand that their grandmother is no longer with them, but at the same time they are also looking forward to treats and gifts (regardless if their father and I weren't 100% in a festive mood). 

At this point, we are trying to find a new normal. A new way of life. Maybe next might be better. I hope all is well with you. Did you have Blue Christmas this year too? Or was it a much better Christmas than mine?

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