Sunday, August 16, 2020

Dearest Honeycrisp

My Mr. Man has waited seven long years. Seven! And finally this year, our little grafted Honeycrisp tree gave us apples. He tested one yesterday, but it's not fully ready. There are still several more weeks left before the apples are fully ripe, so my Mr. Man will have to continue to wait patiently.

If you've been reading my blog for some time, you'll know that I had planted a dwarf Honeycrisp about seven to eight years ago and a terrible storm broke the graft. I purchased a regular-sized tree, in which I gave away. Eventually, I settled on this current tree. 

I've seen blossoms on it in the last two springs, but no apples. I almost gave up on the tree, but this year it surprised us with lots of apple blossoms. I'm really excited, but not as excited as my Mr. Man, who's been waiting for the last seven-plus years.

I'll blog about the ripened appled at a later time. I hope all is well in your world and your gardens. 


Anonymous said...

Dang, 7 years for it to bare fruits? Does it usually take that long to bare fruits? Enjoy.

My Favorite Things said...

Anonymous, usually it doesn't take seven years; it's just our little tree. I think the lack of a spring (which kills off budding apple flowers) is a factor. This year, we've had a very early spring with little frost. So, I'm glad that we finally got some apples.