Thursday, July 30, 2020

Garden Regrets: Not Caging Tomato Plants

I think I might have to start a whole new focus topic on my blog about garden regrets. What am I regretting? Not caging my tomato plants. When my first tomato plant was put into the garden, I told myself that I'd cage them. I knew it needed to be done as soon as my plants were mere inches high. But I waited. Regardless of the reasons as to why my plants weren't caged, I didn't act as soon as I should've. Now, it's a bit harder to try and tame them and I don't know if it's worth it.

I had a few cages and were able to put them in on several plants, but I've also since realized that they aren't as strong as I'd like them to be. This year, my tomato plants are bushy and generally healthy. I wish they'd produce more fruit but considering that they only get about four to five hours of sunlight each day, I'll take what I can get. So my tomato plants have taken over and there's not much I can really do about it. With only one month left of really good hot weather, I can only hope that my plants don't get more diseased and ruin whatever fruit I've already gotten or will get.

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