Thursday, July 9, 2020

Egyptian Walking Onions

It took me about a decade to appreciate the Egyptian Walking Onions I got from a former co-worker. This year I've finally really took notice of them and finally figured out how to grow them in my garden, per their growth cycle.

The onions are hardy to my zone and are one of the first edible greens in the spring. If they are picked in early spring, the whole plant is edible. If they are left to mature, the bulb (white parts) are edible but the green part becomes waxy and harder to eat. So, if they aren't picked, I just let the onions grow older and develop new bulbs, which will "walk" (literally fall over over) from the mother plant and grow another set if onions.

In the past, I've let the mother onions mature and develop new bulbs to walk and create new plants where they fall. This year, I'm trying to use up the original plants and purposely  replanting the new bulbs in rows for next year. Not only am I trying to maximize the onions I'll get in the next growing season for eating but also for new plants.

I'm so glad that I pulled up and threw away all the onion plants I had and allows it to just grow in my garden. I'm looking forward to see how this method will turn out.

Do you grow Egyptian walking onions in your garden?

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