Sunday, January 5, 2020

Follow-Through 2020

Each year, for the last several years, I've chosen a word to guide me through the year, rather than make New Year resolutions. This year, I've chosen the word(s) follow-through/follow through. (When the word is hyphenated, it's a noun and when it's not, it's a verb.) Regardless of how it's spelled, I've decided that 2020 will be the year where I will follow through on all the things that I've started or thought about starting in 2019.

I look back on 2019 and it's a year where I've set myself up to start so many projects. For whatever reasons (i.e. a lack of time, lack of belief in myself, the first steps I've made are only the beginning in a very long term project, etc.), I know that there are still a lot of unfinished projects that I want to see finished. So, it's my good intentions to follow through on as many of these projects and finish them or get the projects to the next level. It's time to follow through on what I've started and the momentum I've built so far.

I know it's going to take a lot of focus, concentration, and hard work, but I know I can do it. I just have to keep myself accountable or figure out a way to motivate myself even more than before. I think just knowing that I will be using this word to guide me in 2020 it already a good step.

I hope you are doing well. Did you make resolutions for 2020 or do you have a guiding word? Care to share?

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