Thursday, July 25, 2019

Embracing Motherhood

I was reading a book this morning and in it the main character talks about how her mother embraced motherhood, it was her mother's purpose in life. This nugget of a thought stopped me in my tracks. I wondered to myself, have I embraced motherhood? To be honest, probably not. Maybe I should.

I don't know if the very act of having children and raising them is me embracing motherhood. I love my children and they both are at a fun age where everything is still knew to them. At the same time, I'm also wanting to travel and hike, which is hard for them to do for a long enough time at their young age. I do long for the days of alone time and quiet time spent reflecting and writing. And maybe, these longings and my stay at home isn't exactly me enjoying motherhood.

I told myself that I would embrace motherhood. I don't know what that means. I don't know if I should enjoy potty training more. I do know that I need to be more present with them. I probably need to be more grateful for this precious time that I have with them. They both are already getting so big and independent. I do know that I miss them when they are gone and they miss me when I'm gone.

If you have any suggestions for me about embracing motherhood or even parenthood, let me know. 

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