Wednesday, March 1, 2017

MN State Fair Skyride

(This is really what the Skyride looks like.)
[Minnesota State Fair.  Taken September 4, 2016]


Anonymous said...

I've been there once, I have to say it's one of the best state fair in the nation. Did I mention I ate some much cheese curds...

My Favorite Things said...

Hi Anonymous, how are you? I hope you enjoyed yourself at the MN State Fair. I've taken several of my guests to the MN State Fair, and now when I reflect back, I really wish I had done more with my guests. I wish that I had stayed out late, ate more food, went on some of the rides until we threw up, and just really enjoy my time with my guests. I really wish I could turn back time and show my guests a better time. Oh well . . . you live and learn, right? :)