Thursday, April 28, 2016

Already, So Big

Since giving birth, I've spent practically every day with my Little One.  I am aware and understood when every other person told me that the time would fly by so fast, but I really can't believe how one month has passed by so quickly and how big he has gotten.  (I can't believe that it's already been a little more than month!)

I still love him so much at this age because he only wants the basic things in life (eat, sleep, diaper chage, and love) and doesn't yet know how to sass back at me.  I'm so conflicted because I'm happy he's growing, but at the same time I want him to remain my Little One.  It's funny that when I was pregnant with him, I would read up on all the milestones that he would have reached while in utero and the milestones he would be reaching once he's born.  Now that he's here, I'm not as concerned about the milestones, although I do occasionally read about what to expect.  I'm just so happy to have him in my life and to spend my time with him.  He really is the sweetest baby in the world and I really can't believe that he came out of me.

So, I'm trying my best to be present and enjoy my time with him. In the blink of an eye, before I know it, he will be leading a life of his own and not needing his mom anymore.  I think that if I could relive moments of my life, I'd relive some of these moments with him, except the 2 a.m. feedings.

Do you have children of your own?  Are there moments from their childhood that you would relive?     

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