Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Tuesday's Tune: Photograph

I (heart) this song,  "Photograph," by Ed Sheeran. Sometimes all we have left are the reminders of love that's frozen in time. That particular moment (captured in a photograph or forever engrained in a memory) can be held onto even when the moment's long gone.  With the passage of time,  we eventually will forgive the hurtful words that once were so real (and probably thought we would never get over), and be able to look at that photograph, that person, that moment, and know that love wasn't wasted and love wasn't given in vain.  Love is eternal, it will always remain.

What do you think of this song?


Anonymous said...

I've kept mine Sweet Love in a photograph to cherish forever, until I meet again...

My Favorite Things said...

Anonymous, that sounds so sweet. I'm cherishing all of my photographs too. Hope you're having a good day.