Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Tuesday's Tune: Party Rock Anthem

It's been some time since this song came out, but I have to share this song.  Like I said, my family members and I are a bunch of dancers.  Our affinity for this song started out with some of us teasing and testing one another about our abilities to do the shuffle and other dance moves in the video.  Then it became a contest, where we had a dance off at a club.  Unfortunately, some of my siblings didn't make it to the dance floor (one was pregnant, the other was too drunk, one was too cool to be seen with us, and the youngest was underage).  Those that did make it to the dance floor (siblings and non-siblings) had a blast and we found out who the ultimate dancer was in the family.

So, this past weekend, I dedicated this song to my family to dance to.  All of my siblings, their spouses, and children did me proud, went onto the dance floor and danced like there was no tomorrow.  I love my family.  We're an awesome bunch and this song will remain as our "family" song for a very long time.

What do you think about this song?  Do you and your family have your own "family song?"


Anonymous said...

That is a good song to have a dance off. How exciting it must been with your family! It's good to have memorable event to cherish for a life time.

My Favorite Things said...

Thanks Anonymous. I've had many memories with this song. I hope you have yours too.

Anonymous said...


A funny version...

My Favorite Things said...

Thanks Anonymous. So how did you come upon this video? ;P

Anonymous said...

Surfing the internet?

My Favorite Things said...

Really? Are you sure you weren't watching it to learn a few things about becoming slutty?