Friday, November 28, 2014

Friday's Quote: Mark Twain

"Forgiveness is the fragrance that the violet sheds on the heel that has crushed it."---Mark Twain

I live far from my family members.  As much as I miss them and wish to see them often, I also know that there's never peace and quiet when we all get together.  There are loud voices, loud opinions, and sometimes loud fights.  We are all so opinionated and we each have so much character that we have such a hard time getting along.  Sometimes, I think it's best to just stay away rather than come home.

Lately, in learning to better deal with my family, I've decided that my family members and I must have wanted to be born into the same family because we all love each other so much.  So, rather than be frustrated and focus on the negativity of my family's inherent incompatibility, I'm trying to see it in a more positive light.  I've told myself and my siblings that maybe we continue to challenge one another and it's through our challenges that we each can try to learn patience, compassion, humility, and forgiveness.

I don't think my siblings are embracing this.  It's okay.  I know that  dealing with my family and family turmoil is definitely a work in progress.  So is forgiveness.  I know it will come.

How do you forgive when you are "crushed?"

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