Sunday, September 7, 2014


Over the weekend I harvested all, but one, of my potato plants.  I love digging for new potatoes because it makes me feel like a kid looking for Easter eggs.  It's so exciting when I discover one in the dirt.  I once told someone I use to know that he should plant potatoes so that his kids can have fun digging in the dirt and finding potatoes.  I don't think he ever listened to me (he's not a gardener).  Oh well . . . if I ever have kids, I hope to plant lots of potatoes just for them.

As you can see, my fingerling potatoes did really really well.  The pink and red potatoes didn't do all that great.  I harvested only two purple potatoes, but that's because the last unharvested potato plant is probably still sprouting purple potatoes.

Once I brought my new potatoes into my home, I washed several of the fingerling potatoes and made a pan fried hash.  It was so yummy in my tummy.  I'll be enjoying the rest of my potatoes this week and maybe saving a few of the smaller ones to plant in the spring.

How does your garden grow (if you have one)?

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