Friday, September 26, 2014

Friday's Quote: Unknown

I saw the above message somewhere (I don't remember and I'm so sorry for not properly crediting the person who created it), and thought it was perfect for Friday's Quote.  I'm a big believer that the people we meet in our lives, especially the ones we've chosen to love, came into our lives for a reason.

There are times in my life where I wonder what would have happened if I had chosen a different life, a different path, or made a different decision, and if I would have eventually crossed paths with a particular person that came into my life.  Maybe, we were destined to meet and would have met one another, regardless of the circumstances.  I'm content believing that regardless of whatever decision I would have made, that particular person and I will always be connected.  Even if s/he is taking a path that moves him/her far away from me, I know that our connection won't break.  I also know that I'll always love that person and I'm sure that person still loves me.  If we were destined to me each other, again and again, we'll find one another again because we are always connected.

Do you believe that you are connected to those you are destined to meet?


Anonymous said...

I believe that...

My Favorite Things said...

Anonymous, I'm glad to hear that you believe too. Keep hope and faith.