Monday, February 3, 2014


I've been on a soulful journey, taking a look at all the things that I should be grateful for.  So far, it's been one of the most enlightening journeys of my life.  Life's drudgeries are a heavy burden to carry around and can easily make me jaded, but this journey has been eye opening and I'm reevaluating and appreciating my life.  So, the following is a very short list of the many many things in my life that I'm so appreciative of and am thankful for:

1. Life--I'm so happy to still have breath in me and to know that there is still so much living to do.  Despite the good, bad, and uncertainties, I'm not ready to give up on my purpose of being here.

2. Love--I am surrounded by love, I come from love, and there is still love out there for me.  I receive love in so many forms and I give love in my own way.  One of the biggest lessons I've learned is to love myself.  I refuse to give up on love and I will continue to carry it in my heart.

3. Human Contact--I don't think I can be a hermit, although I'm sure others would characterize me as one.  From just a smile, a simple face-to-face hello, an emotional heart wrenching phone conversation, to a warm embrace, I love all the human contacts that come into my life.  Some contacts raise my spirits, while some drag me down.  Yet, I learn so much from each contact and I'm appreciative of the interaction.

There's so much to be thankful and grateful for.  What in your life are you grateful for?

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