Saturday, February 15, 2014

Celebrate Love

Happy belated Valentine's.  My life has been quite hectic the last week or two and I was just too exhausted to post anything for yesterday.  Even though Valentine's Day has passed, the celebration of love shouldn't be limited to February 14th.  My hope is that you continue to celebrate love and believe in love each day.

Months ago, I was reading something and a person wrote how she thought the most awful feeling in the world was loneliness.  For me, it's feeling unloved.  This can be due to someone not loving you or even not loving one's self.  I once had a former beau who told me that he was willing to "settle" for me because in his eyes at the time, I was a viable person for him, I was financially secure, and I didn't have any baggage.  He told me he would work on learning to love me.  At the time, I had enough self love and faith in my self to tell that him I couldn't accept it.  As much as I would've liked to move forward with him, I couldn't live with the fact that I'm agreeing to be in a relationship where I'm unloved.  How awful is that?  So, I told him I didn't want to pursue a relationship with him because I still believe in love and I know that there's somebody in this world that would be with me because of love (not because I was his only option, not because of financial security, not because I met his criteria for a mate).

So, regardless of whatever stage you are in your relationship, with another person or with your own self, I hope you continue to celebrate love and believe in love.  Honor it and know that it exists and is all around you.


Anonymous said...

Hope you find love? It's out there waiting for you!

My Favorite Things said...

Hello Anonymous. How are you? How is your love relationship coming along?

As for me, I never said that I didn't find love or don't have love in my life right now. I know that I have love from family and friends. I know that I really truly love myself. I also know that certain people (who doesn't fall in the above categories) love me because their hearts are full of love. I just happen to be so lucky that they are willing to share their love with me. Yes, love is out there, and I've found it, and it's found me.

Anonymous said...

It's good that love is all around you and you have found love. I'm super happy to hear of the news.

My Favorite Things said...

Thank you Anonymous. I've never given up on love, even during the loneliest moments in life.

I hope you have a great day. I know you're living, laughing, and loving.

Anonymous said...

As for me just living, laughing and loving family for the moment! Thanks

My Favorite Things said...

Anonymous, are you sure you're only living, laughing, and loving family for the moment?