Monday, January 6, 2014

It's Friggin COLD!

 WARNING---This post contains "juvenile humor." 
If you find this kind of humor offensive, go read something else.

This morning at approximately 8:00 a.m., the air temperature was -21 degrees F, and with the wind chill factored in it felt like -40 degrees F.  It was so cold that the public schools in Minnesota were closed today and most likely will continue to stay closed tomorrow.  So, on days that are this frickin cold, my mind turns to the weather and how it affects the human body.  Seriously, I don't often think like this, but my brain wanders and gets curious on very very cold days (probably so it doesn't have to think how cold it is outside).

So, when the air temperature gets to -20 degrees F (with no wind chill factored in), hot water that gets poured outside vaporizes immediately.  In the above video, you can kinda see the water vaporizing, although the guy noted that it was only -14 degrees F when he videotaped his experiment.  Now, I wonder if someone urinated off from a balcony in weather that's -20 degrees F, would the urine vaporize, or would it freeze right away because the urine's not hot enough?  Hmmm...I'm just waiting for someone to experiment and YouTube it.

Also, when it gets this cold, one can easily see his own breath.  So, I've wondered if a fart in the cold could be seen like the breath.  It's still warm air that's coming out of the body into a frosty environment, albeit from a different area.  So, somebody sent me the above video from YouTube to illustrate that yes, a fart can be seen in cold air.  Even though the video seems fake, it probably isn't.

Sorry, but I just felt like sharing.  I won't share any more.  I'm just trying to keep my mind off the cold and on other things.  Does your mind wander off and get curious about things?  Is it something you would like to share with me?

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