Tuesday, October 8, 2013

My Dear Friends,

Most of the time when I write, I write for myself.  Sometimes, I pretend that I'm writing for someone else.  Today, I write for two of my dearest friends.

For the past several days, two of my oldest friends visited me.  It was actually a reunion of epic proportions.  It had been 19 years since the three of us last saw one another.  We each have different personalities and lead very different lives.  Yet, once the three of us were together, it was as if time had stood still; we just picked up from where we last left off and moved forward.

I showed them what Minnesota had to offer, despite the rain and cloudy skies, and I even roped my Friend to take them drifting, like Tokyo drifting, on his boat.  (BTW, drifting on a boat is super awesome!)  We cooked, ate my birthday cake, and hiked.  I even took one of them (the other had an early departure) to Barn Bluff, one of my most favorite spots.  The three of us had so many laughs, shed some tears, and even created a new dance together.  We made new memories and promised one another that we would meet up every three years.

So now that my dear friends have departed from my home, but not my heart, I'm feeling a bit lonely, but not so lost anymore.  I am so thankful that they both made time to see me and spend time with me.  I am also so thankful for their patience, their understanding, and their friendship.  I don't know what the future will hold for us because we did lose contact with one another at various points in our lives, but I believe we all are going to keep holding on to one another.  Unlike some people that make friends easily and call every other person they meet a "friend," I know that these two are truly my friends in its most sincerest form.

Thank you, my dear friends, for truly brightening up my life, my day, and my birthday week.  Thank you.

P.S.  In three years, we're supposed to remember this song:  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JF8BRvqGCNs
BUT, I think this should've been our song:  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SeIJmciN8mo
I know this will be the song I will most remember: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QtwQiueNLWI


Anonymous said...

What great friends you have to pick up where you left off! Btw, the first two song was great however the third one did not show? The link was block.

My Favorite Things said...

Hi Anonymous. How are you today? I think I've fixed the last link, so hopefully you can access it. Just let me know if you can't.