Tuesday, June 18, 2013

World, Here I Come

Yesterday was so exciting because I received my passport in the mail.  I applied for it on the 5th of this month and I didn't even expedite the process.  I thought I would receive it at the end of summer or the beginning of fall, but it came in less than two weeks.  Hooray! 
This is the first passport I've ever held in my life.  I don't know why it took me so long to get a passport, but now that I've got one, the possibilities are endless (at least in my dreams).  I still hate to fly, and there are the issues of money and vacation time, but I'll figure that out.  I already have an idea of where I want to go first, but I need to plan.
Do you have a passport?  If yes, where have you gone?


Anonymous said...


My Favorite Things said...

Yeah. World, here I come (albeit, very slowly).

Unknown said...

Kia n mom n em are going to Laos/Thai/phillipines soon. Let's all go.

My Favorite Things said...

Are they going soon? Kia's been talking about it for some time now. She should take mom and dad while they are able to travel to see Asia. I don't know if I want to go with them. It would be fun, but at the same time, I think I'd want to pull all of my hair out.