Sunday, June 16, 2013

Not Caring is Hard to Do

I can be a bit overprotective of those I love.  I don't mean to be, I just do.  So, when I can't be a part of that person's life in a certain way, it's so hard for me to not care.  It really is.  I'm actually causing myself so much more heartache at the expense of someone who doesn't even know how much I still care and doesn't even care that I still care.  I suck, right?

For example, with my brothers, I love them dearly but I don't approve of some of the things they do.  At this point, since everyone is an adult, there's not much else I can do.  I cannot control their actions and just have to pull away and try not to care too much.  It's hard, considering that I am their sister.  Of course, I do hear of their escapades because my sisters love to share with me, but sometimes I have to tell them that I don't want to hear what they have to tell me.

Then there's Somebody that I use to know.  Unfortunately, I still care for this person and I think about this Somebody from time to time.  This Somebody didn't get a chance to party hard as a young adult so now is Somebody's time to drink and party hard.  I'm concerned for Somebody and I do worry once in a while about his well being, but what good is it going to do me?

Then, there's my Friend.  I worry about him.  I worry that he's not going to find someone to love him, to marry him, and to have his children.  I worry that he's not going to get what he wants from life.  I only want to see him happy.

So, these are some of the things that occupy my mind (and my heart), even when  I don't want it to.  Do you have a hard time not caring?


Anonymous said...


My Favorite Things said...

Anonymous, I have no idea who you are and what you're referring to. Considering that you're on my blog, aren't YOU the stalker?

Unknown said...
