Friday, June 14, 2013

Friday's Quote: Ernest Shackleton

"Difficulties are just things to overcome, after all."---Ernest Shackleton


Lately, I feel as if my life has been in shambles.  It's almost as if a piece of the puzzle is out of place and then the rest of the puzzle, especially the areas closest to the missing puzzle piece, are coming out and falling apart.  At least I recognize that I have a missing puzzle piece and I need to do something about it.  I also recognize that finding a replacement for this missing puzzle piece requires lots of time and lots of introspection.

I cannot hurry up time (although, I wish I could be like Superman and spin the world on its axis to make time go by faster), but with the time I've had, I've spent much of it on self reflection and trying to restore some stability to my life.  I have my good days (which are even more awesome when the sun is out and shining bright), and I have my bad days (which sucks when the sun is out and shining bright).  At least I know that I am working through my issues and know that I am doing it because I have to and I want to.  I am not doing it because I have someone waiting for me right now or waiting for me at the end (seriously, I don't want any kind of rebound).

I recognize this is just a difficult time in my life that I must overcome.  As much as I want this difficult time to end right now, I know it is a path that I must go on and it is just a passage from one stage of my life to the next.  It's always darkest before the dawn.  So, while it's dark right now, I will continue to move forward and know that when the dawn arrives, I will have nobody in my heart other than myself.  When I am ready to shake off my graceless heart, I will cut it out and restart.

This is the state of mind that I hope to attain:

What difficulties have you overcome?


Anonymous said...

Be strong! I thought you had super power too? When dawn comes you'll feel better, I know so!

My Favorite Things said...

Anonymous, I am strong! Just because I'm unhappy and going through the motions of life doesn't mean I'm not strong. Since writing this post, I've been a lot better (still have my good days and bad days). I'm still waiting for the dawn, but I know it's coming and I can't wait.